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  • I create a Star model (fact with dimension tables around) in Associated View, for example, tables Fact, Stores and Products (model from screen). I assign row permission using the field Region from Stores. In a dashboard I see that tables Fact and Stores are filtered correctly (according to permissions),however, Products are not filtered. The user can see all the product names, even those not sold in his/her region. So, permissions are not applied to the whole data model, but only to the tables DIRECTLY related to each other. Can I apply row permissions to the WHOLE model from associated view? (Products and Stores have relationships with Fact table, but do not have direct relationship between each other)
  • In FineBI there are Model View in Analysis Subject and Associated View in Public Data. Why is it necessary to create reletionships between tables 2 times? What is the purpose of each model? Moreover, in Associated view there is no N:N relationship, whereas in Model View this type of relationship exists. What does it mean in terms of restrictions?
  • I have some questions regarding the architecture of ETL in FineBI. How is the data stored after applying transformations? Is it stored as a table in a server or is it recalculated each time I use a dashboard? Is it possible to connect to the data stored in Spider? Where exactly is it stored and in what format?
  • Is it possible to set up multi-factor authentification (MFA) for Fine BI? How?
  • I saw in a learning video that it was possible to connect to Python dataset and REST API. However I found neither the plugins nor the instructions. Where can I download these plugins?
  • What is the difference berween a sql-dataset in Public Data and a sql-dataset in Server Dataset?
  • Is it possible to use Echarts in FineBI? How? 




