怎么把表1,2,3合并之后得到最后的表,我用left join on 或者right join on??具体怎么写呢。我自己写了好几遍,都不行select c.orgcode as 组织,b.barcode as 条码,a.pinlei as 品类,a.plucode as 商品编码,a.pluname as 名称,nvl(b.xscount,0) as 销量,nvl(b.hxtotal,0) as 销售额,c.kccount as 库存 from (select plucode,pluname,pinlei from plucaiji) a left join (select ts.orgcode ,ts.barcode, ts.plucode,sum(ts.xscount) as xscount,sum(ts.hxtotal) as hxtotalfrom rhz_xsmx ts where ts.rptdate between '2021-12-18' and '2021-12-31' GROUP BY ts.orgcode,ts.plucode,ts.barcode ,ts.pluname ) b on a.plucode=b.plucode left join( select m.orgcode,n.plucode,n.pluname, sum(m.KcCount) as kccount from tStkLsKc m ,tSkuPlu n where m.PluID = n.PluID group by m.orgcode,n.plucode,n.pluname) c on b.orgcode=c.orgcode and a.plucode=c.plucode where c.orgcode in ('0001') and a.pinlei in ('福临门') order by a.plucode;