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oracle insert into报错
begin insert into TMP_MLBrandSALE(saleno,plucode,depcode,depname,htcode,htname,shpcode,shpname,cntarea,manascope,xscount,hxtotal,hmtotal,qs) select saleno,substr(c.plucode,1,4),c.depcode,c.depname,a.htcode,a.htname,shpcode,shpname,a.cntarea,a.manascope,c.xscount,c.hxtotal,hmtotal,'0' from vhtdep a right join (TSALPLUDETAIL201207) c on c.cntid=a.cntid where c.orgcode='1009' and c.depcode like '%11%' and c.depcode in (select depcode from tusrrightorg where orgcode='1009') and rptdate between '2012-07-01' and '2012-07-01'; insert into TMP_MLBrandSALE(saleno,plucode,depcode,depname,htcode,htname,shpcode,shpname,cntarea,manascope,xscount,hxtotal,hmtotal,qs) select saleno,substr(c.plucode,1,4),c.depcode,c.depname,a.htcode,a.htname,shpcode,shpname,a.cntarea,a.manascope,c.xscount,c.hxtotal,hmtotal,'1' from vhtdep a right join (TSALPLUDETAIL201206) c on c.cntid=a.cntid where c.orgcode='1009' and c.depcode like '%11%' and c.depcode in (select depcode from tusrrightorg where orgcode='1009') and rptdate between '2012-06-01' and '2012-06-01'; insert into TMP_MLBrandSALE(saleno,plucode,depcode,depname,htcode,htname,shpcode,shpname,cntarea,manascope,xscount,hxtotal,hmtotal,qs) select saleno,substr(c.plucode,1,4),c.depcode,c.depname,a.htcode,a.htname,shpcode,shpname,a.cntarea,a.manascope,c.xscount,c.hxtotal,hmtotal,'2' from vhtdep a right join (TSALPLUDETAIL201107) c on c.cntid=a.cntid where c.orgcode='1009' and c.depcode like '%11%' and c.depcode in (select depcode from tusrrightorg where orgcode='1009') and rptdate between '2011-07-01' and '2011-07-01'; end; 在PLSQL中执行没问题,但是在帆软中,报错 ORA-06550: 第 1 行, 第 6 列: PLS-00103: 出现符号 ""在需要下列之一时: begin case declare exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update while with << close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe 符号 "" 被忽略。 ORA-06550: 第 2 行, 第 135 列: PLS-00103: 出现符号 ""在需要下列之一时: ( select values 符号 "" 被忽略。 ORA-06550: 第 3 行, 第 144 列: PLS-00103: 出现符号 ""在需要下列之一时: , * & - + / at mod remainder rem as from || multiset
ORACLE数据源支持insert into吗?
ORACLE支持insert into table select * from table1; select * from table1吗?