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职业资格认证:FCA-FineReport | FCA-简道云 | FCP-FineBI | FCP-报表交付工程师 | FCA-FineBI | FCA-业务分析理论
  • 回答:思路:时间字段+1天,之后左右关联(除数值外都需要添加关联关系)   时间字段=时间字段+1天,关联得到的数据就是昨天的
  • 回答:把公式用到的单元格包一下SUM()试一下
  • 回答:年份放到颜色后,月度只保留月,不要年月显示
  • 回答:In FineBI, the concept of Model View and Associated View exists to fulfill different needs and purposes in data analysis. Let's break down the differences and the reasons for creating relationships between tables twice.Model View in Analysis Subject:Purpose: Model View is specifically designed for data modeling and defining relationships between tables. It's a place where you can create complex data relationships, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships.Relationships: In Model View, you establish relationships between tables to define how they are connected. This is necessary for accurate data retrieval and analysis. For instance, a sales order table might be related to a customer table with a one-to-many relationship, indicating that one customer can have multiple orders.N:N Relationship: Model View supports N:N relationships, where multiple records in one table can be related to multiple records in another table. This is typically achieved through an association table or bridge table that holds the keys of both related tables.Associated View in Public Data:Purpose: Associated View is mainly used for data presentation and quick data analysis. It's a simplified version of a data model, suitable for less complex analysis tasks or for users who don't require the full power of Model View.Relationships: In Associated View, relationships are typically predefined and less flexible than in Model View. This is because Associated View focuses on ease of use and quick analysis, rather than complex data modeling. It typically supports one-to-one and one-to-many relationships but not N:N relationships.N:N Relationship Limitation: The absence of N:N relationships in Associated View is a limitation by design. It reflects the fact that Associated View is not intended for handling complex data relationships. Instead, it's geared towards simpler analysis tasks where N:N relationships are not commonly required.In summary, the reason for creating relationships between tables twice in FineBI is to cater to different use cases and levels of complexity. Model View offers full flexibility and support for complex relationships, while Associated View provides a simplified interface for quick analysis tasks. The absence of N:N relationships in Associated View reflects its focus on simplicity and ease of use.
  • 回答:是因为报表设置了双向扩展吗?参考:Excel双向扩展格导入https://help.fanruan.com/finereport/doc-view-1083.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------https://help.fanruan.com/finereport/doc-view-4547.html#ca8bcb3bf0a2b719
  • 回答:编辑组件,设置组件控制范围
  • 回答:数据里有日期吗?可以加一个日期执行条件比如当天只推送昨天的数据
  • 回答:WITH your_table AS (SELECT  1 AS col1, 'Y' AS col2 FROM dualunion ALLSELECT  2 AS col1, NULL AS col2 FROM dualunion ALLSELECT  3 AS col1, NULL AS col2 FROM dualunion ALLSELECT  4 AS col1, NULL AS col2 FROM dualUNION ALL SELECT  5 AS col1, 'Y' AS col2 FROM dualunion ALLSELECT  6 AS col1, NULL AS col2 FROM dualunion ALLSELECT  7 AS col1, NULL AS col2 FROM dualunion ALLSELECT  8 AS col1, NULL AS col2 FROM dual)SELECT     col1,    col2,    CASE         WHEN col2 = 'Y' THEN col1        ELSE LAST_VALUE(CASE WHEN col2 = 'Y' THEN col1 END IGNORE NULLS)              OVER (ORDER BY col1 ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW)    END AS col3FROM     your_tableORDER BY     col1;
  • 回答:月试戴次数单元格*((RAND()*50)/100)https://help.fanruan.com/finereport/doc-view-827.html#146b67c267c54bb8
  • 回答:允许为空去点掉
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