为什么会出现双倍的列名呢(ORACAL数据库)SELECT '当日' as types,a.xmthdlx,count(1) as n FROM(selectrequestid,czrq,jxs,czmc,case when hdlx = '1' then '车展' else to_char(hdlx) end as hdlx,case when xmthdlx = '1' then '小红书'when xmthdlx = '0' then '抖音'else to_char(xmthdlx) end as xmthdlxfrom formtable_main_40where czrq = '${dates}') aINNER JOIN (select requestid,workflowid,status from workflow_requestbasewhere 1=1-- and (status = '出口7' or status = '结束')and (workflowid = 3022 OR workflowid = 42022) ) bON a.requestid = b.requestidgroup by a.xmthdlxunion ALLSELECT '当月' as types,a.xmthdlx,count(1) as n FROM(selectrequestid,czrq,jxs,czmc,case when hdlx = '1' then '车展' else to_char(hdlx) end as hdlx,case when xmthdlx = '1' then '小红书'when xmthdlx = '0' then '抖音'when xmthdlx = '2' then '微信'else to_char(xmthdlx) end as xmthdlxfrom formtable_main_40where czrq >= to_char(TO_DATE('${dates}','YYYY-MM-DD'),'yyyy-mm-')||'01') aINNER JOIN (select requestid,workflowid,status from workflow_requestbasewhere 1=1-- and (status = '出口7' or status = '结束')and ( workflowid = 3022 OR workflowid = 42022) ) bON a.requestid = b.requestidgroup by a.xmthdlxunion ALLSELECT '累计' as types,a.xmthdlx,count(1) as n FROM(selectrequestid,czrq,jxs,czmc,case when hdlx = '1' then '车展' else to_char(hdlx) end as hdlx,case when xmthdlx = '1' then '小红书'when xmthdlx = '0' then '抖音'when xmthdlx = '2' then '微信'else to_char(xmthdlx) end as xmthdlxfrom formtable_main_40-- where czrq >= to_char(TO_DATE('${dates}','YYYY-MM-DD'),'yyyy-mm-')||'01') aINNER JOIN (select requestid,workflowid,status from workflow_requestbasewhere 1=1-- and (status = '出口7' or status = '结束')and ( workflowid = 3022 OR workflowid = 42022) ) bON a.requestid = b.requestidgroup by a.xmthdlx