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  • 我将帆软报表集成按钮到钉钉门户中,之前都可以点击登入帆软报表。(ID、密钥、Token路径皆已设置) 但是现在一直提示权限校验失败,无法登入帆软报表。请解决办法{:4_271:}
  • 36850 如图中,在新增数据连接时,测试连接一直出错,驱动器,URL,用户名和密码都是正确的,就是测试失败。 有谁知道怎么处理吗? 36851
  • 我在SQL数据库中,写了一个存储过程,最后以select 语句结束,没有参数的。在FineReport8.0要如何调用这个存储过程,直接运行exec p_temp。预览出来是空值。 存储过程如下: create proc . as begin If Object_Id( 'Tempdb.dbo.#temp') Is Not NULL Begin drop table #temp End select Ywy ,YEAR(QSDate) as year,MONTH(QSDate) as month,BProductTypeName,COUNT(*) as salecount,0.0000 as ty into #temp from ( select Ywy,QSDate,e.BProductTypeName from s_contract a ,p_Room b left outer join p_Building dd on dd.BldGUID=b.BldGUID left outer join cb_Product on cb_Product.ProductGUID = dd.ProductGUID left outer join p_BuildProductType e on e.BProductTypeCode = cb_Product.BProductTypeCode WHERE a.RoomGUID=b.RoomGUID and a.projguid=( '537CECF8-9FE9-4FD1-90D2-47B8F51D2F25' ) and a.Status='激活') a group by Ywy ,YEAR(QSDate),MONTH(QSDate),BProductTypeName update #temp set ty=(case when BProductTypeName in('住宅','别墅','商铺') and salecount<4 then 0.002 when BProductTypeName in('住宅','别墅','商铺') and salecount=4 then 0.0025 when BProductTypeName in('住宅','别墅','商铺') and salecount=5 then 0.003 when BProductTypeName in('住宅','别墅','商铺') and salecount=6 then 0.0035 when BProductTypeName in('住宅','别墅','商铺') and salecount>6 then 0.004 when BProductTypeName in('车位') then 500 end ) If Object_Id( 'Tempdb.dbo.#temp1') Is Not NULL Begin drop table #temp1 End --置业顾问提佣明细表 select RoomInfo, --房间信息 ProductType, ---业态 QSDate, --签约日期 HtTotal, --合同总价 yssq, --应收首期 ssk, --实收款 Ywy, --业务员 rh_jysDate, --交接钥匙日期 yjze, --佣金总额 (case when ssk-yssq>=0 then yjze*0.3 else 0.00 end)as qyyj, --签约佣金 (case when ssk-HtTotal>=0 then yjze*0.5 else 0.00 end)as fkyj, --银行放款佣金 (case when YEAR(GETDATE())-YEAR(QSDate)>0 and ssk-yssq>=0 then yjze*0.1 else 0.00 end)as ndyj, --年底佣金 (case when rh_jysDate IS null then 0.00 else yjze*0.1 end)as jfyj, --成功交房佣金 qtykk, --其他应扣款 yfyj into #temp1 from --已发佣金 (select a.ProjGUID,p.ProjName,a.RoomInfo,a.ProductType,a.Status,b.QSDate,b.HtTotal,b.Ywy, (select c1.CompleteDate from s_SaleService b1,s_SaleServiceProc c1 where b1.SaleServiceGUID =c1.SaleServiceGUID and b1.ServiceItem = '入伙服务' and c1.ServiceProc='已交接钥匙' and b1.ContractGUID = b.ContractGUID) as rh_jysDate, ty,(case when ty<1 then HtTotal*ty else ty end) as yjze, isnull(s.yfyj,0) as yfyj,isnull(s.qtykk,0) as qtykk, d.yssq,e.ssk from ep_room a left join p_Project p on p.ProjGUID=a.ProjGUID left join s_contract b on b.RoomGUID=a.RoomGUID left join s_Trade c on c.TradeGUID=b.TradeGUID and c.RoomGUID=a.RoomGUID left join #temp t on t.year=year(b.QSDate) and t.month=month(b.QSDate) and t.Ywy=b.Ywy left join salejcb s on s.RoomInfo=a.RoomInfo left join (select tradeguid, sum(case when ItemName in ('定金','首期') then amount else ''end ) as yssq from s_fee group by TradeGUID ) d on c.TradeGUID=d.TradeGUID left join (select saleguid, sum(case when ItemName in ('定金','首期') then amount else ''end ) as sssq, SUM(amount)as ssk from s_Getin group by SaleGUID) e on c.TradeGUID=e.SaleGUID where a.ProjGUID='537CECF8-9FE9-4FD1-90D2-47B8F51D2F25' and a.Status='签约') yj select Ywy,COUNT(*)as number,SUM(qyyj+fkyj+ndyj+jfyj)as '应发佣金总额', SUM(yfyj)as yfyj,SUM(qtykk)as qtykk,SUM(qyyj+fkyj+ndyj+jfyj-yfyj-qtykk)as syyj from #temp1 group by Ywy order by ywy end




