公司控件的内容是根据经营单元和期间过滤的 但是选择完经营单元和期间 公司控件没有数据 重选全选框以后 数据又都选上了 这是什么问题 帆软版本:8.0 刚更新了最新 的jar包 问题依旧出现 日志里面报错,说公司有死循环,但是这个逻辑里面 并没有出现死循环啊 下面是三个控件的sql: 经营单元: select fid,fname_l2 from CT_RU_RunUnit order by fnumber 期间: select fid ,fnumber ,fperiodyear ,fperiodnumber from T_BD_Period order by fnumber 公司: select fid,fname_l2 from T_ORG_Company where fid in( select distinct FStorageOrgUnitID from T_IM_SaleIssueBill where cfRunUnitid in ('${经营单元}') and FYear in(select FPeriodYear from T_BD_Period where fid in ('${期间}') ) and FPeriod in(select FPeriodNumber from T_BD_Period where fid in ('${期间}')) union select distinct a.FOrgUnitID from T_GL_AssistBalance a inner join T_BD_AssistantHG b on a.FAssistGrpID=b.fid inner join CT_RU_RunUnit c on b.FGeneralAssActType4ID=c.CFGeneralAsstActTy where c.fid in ('${经营单元}') and FPeriodID in ('${期间}') union select fid from T_ORG_Company where fname_l2 in (select distinct compname from fr.frnew_rptcostchg where jydy in (select fname_l2 from CT_RU_RunUnit where fid in ('${经营单元}')) and rptyearcode in (select FPeriodYear from T_BD_Period where fid in ('${期间}')) and rptmonthcode in (select FPeriodNumber from T_BD_Period where fid in ('${期间}'))) union select fid from T_ORG_Company where fname_l2 in (select distinct compname from fr.frnew_rptthreechg where jydy in (select fname_l2 from CT_RU_RunUnit where fid in ('${经营单元}')) and year in (select FPeriodYear from T_BD_Period where fid in ('${期间}')) and month in (select FPeriodNumber from T_BD_Period where fid in ('${期间}'))) ) |