
I create a Star model (fact with dimension tables around) in Associated View, 

for example, tables Fact, Stores and Products (model from screen). 

I assign row permission using the field Region from Stores. 

In a dashboard I see that tables Fact and Stores are filtered correctly (according to permissions),

however, Products are not filtered. 

The user can see all the product names, even those not sold in his/her region. 

So, permissions are not applied to the whole data model, 

but only to the tables DIRECTLY related to each other. 

Can I apply row permissions to the WHOLE model from associated view? 

(Products and Stores have relationships with Fact table, but do not have direct relationship between each other)


FineBI Ekaterina874994 发布于 2024-3-13 14:57 (编辑于 2024-3-13 15:10)
1min目标场景问卷 立即参与
悬赏:4 F币 + 添加悬赏
发布于2024-3-14 08:38

Let me show you an example.

  • Ekaterina874994 Ekaterina874994(提问者) Luojian, as far as I understand, this is an example of row permissions based on multiple dimensions. In my example, I have only one dimension for restrictions, namely, Region. But I want Products table also be filtered according to the assigned Region (there can be zero transactions on some products in a particular Region, and I do not want users to know about these products). The problem is, Products and Regions do not have a common field. But they both are connected to the Fact table.
    2024-03-14 16:03 
  • luojian0323 luojian0323 回复 Ekaterina874994(提问者) Then find the products that are sold in his/her area and make a dimension table
    2024-03-14 17:59 
  • Ekaterina874994 Ekaterina874994(提问者) 回复 luojian0323 The problem is, there are a lot of regions and that would be difficult to create and maintain a separate product dimension table for each region. Am I correct in assuming that it is not possible to do in Fine BI automatically and dimension tables (described in my example) cannot filter each other in terms of row permission?
    2024-03-14 18:09 
  • luojian0323 luojian0323 回复 Ekaterina874994(提问者) Can you filter out the data with sales of 0 in the table component? In other words, the products that are not sold in this region have actually sold 0.
    2024-03-14 18:15 
  • Ekaterina874994 Ekaterina874994(提问者) 回复 luojian0323 Yes, it can be done in table component. But besides, I have a text drop-down filter with product names. And now the user can see all the product names in this filter, not only the ones that are sold in his/her region.
    2024-03-14 18:22 
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  • 最后回答于:2024-3-14 08:38
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