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  • 帆软填报导入excel有条数上限么,我导入两万多条数据就没反应,导入5000条一点问题都没有
  • 我在SQLSERVER 服务器上 用ODBA创建连接MYSQL的数据源,报这个错误
  • declare @depotid char(50),@s_name char(50) ,@code char(50),@name char(50),@st_phone char(50) ,@icount int = 0declare hysl_cursor cursor for ( select b.st_phone, a.depotid,a.s_name,b.code,b.name from b_depot a  left join b_employe b on a.id = b.depot_id where a.states = '1' and b.states = '1' and a.depotid not in (select 店铺编号 from #hysl where 店铺编号 is not null) --order by a.depotid )open hysl_cursor;fetch next from hysl_cursor into @st_phone, @depotid,@s_name,@code,@name;while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0  begin print @icount --print @depotid insert into #hysl(orderby,xuhao,st_phone,店铺编号,店铺名称,导购编号,导购姓名,线下会员数量) values(0,0,@st_phone,@depotid,@s_name,@code,@name,0); fetch next from hysl_cursor into @st_phone, @depotid,@s_name,@code,@name; set @icount = @icount + 1 endclose hysl_cursor;DEALLOCATE hysl_cursor;go我用游标取出数据,有800多行,但是插入到表中就只插入200多行就停止插入了
  •  if OBJECT_ID('tempDB..#THFH')<>0 drop table #THFH select a.code,a.setdepot_id,d.depotid,c1.clothingid,c.styleid,b.nums,COUNT(TMID) smNUMS into #THFH from u_outindentset a  left join u_outindentsetsub b on  a.id=b.code left join u_outindentsetstyle f on b.style_code = f.id left join b_style c on f.style_id=c.id left join B_Clothing c1 on b.clothing_id=c1.id left join b_depot d on a.depot_id=d.id left join F100_Label.dbo.tm_formlist e on b.clothing_id=e.clothing_id and a.id=e.code --left join t18_tmlist e on b.clothingid=e.clothingid and a.outindentid=e.tmlistid where  a.setdepot_id in ('${id}') --a.setdepot_id = '6655674755462550467' --d.depotid = '25371013'and  and a.sure='1' and a.states = '2' and a.sure_date>='${begin}' --and a.sure_date>='2020-01-01' and a.sure_date-1<'${end}' --and a.sure_date-1<'2020-12-01' --and d.depotid='11203' group by a.code,a.setdepot_id,d.depotid,c1.clothingid,c.styleid,b.nums   select a.code,a.depotid,b.s_name,a.clothingid,a.styleid,nums,smNUMS from #THFH a left join dbo.b_depot b on a.setdepot_id=b.id where nums>smNUMS 
  • 我是这样设置的,但是后台where加上这个ID就没有数据, 但是取消掉这个ID就可以得到所有数据,是为什么啊
  • sql语句: if OBJECT_ID('tempDB..#THFH')<>0 drop table #THFH select a.code,a.setdepot_id,d.depotid,c1.clothingid,c.styleid,b.nums,COUNT(TMID) smNUMS into #THFH from u_outindentset a  left join u_outindentsetsub b on  a.id=b.code left join u_outindentsetstyle f on b.style_code = f.id left join b_style c on f.style_id=c.id left join B_Clothing c1 on b.clothing_id=c1.id left join b_depot d on a.depot_id=d.id left join F100_Label.dbo.tm_formlist e on b.clothing_id=e.clothing_id and a.id=e.code --left join t18_tmlist e on b.clothingid=e.clothingid and a.outindentid=e.tmlistid where  a.setdepot_id in ('${id}') --d.depotid = '25371013'and  and  a.sure='1' and a.states = '2' and a.sure_date>='${begin}' --and a.sure_date>='2020-01-01' and a.sure_date-1<'${end}' --and a.sure_date-1<'2020-12-01' and d.depotid='11203' group by a.code,a.setdepot_id,d.depotid,c1.clothingid,c.styleid,b.nums  select a.code,a.depotid,b.s_name,a.clothingid,a.styleid,nums,smNUMS from #THFH a left join b_depot b on a.setdepot_id=b.id where nums>smNUMS select distinct id,s_name from b_depot where st_area in ('${name}')and depotid not like '25371%' and LEN(depotid)=8 and (depotid  like '21%'or depotid  like '51%'or depotid  like '61%'or depotid  like '23%'or depotid  like '2T%'or depotid  like '5T%'or depotid  like '6T%')select distinct a.name from b_looksub a left join b_depot b on a.name=b.st_areawhere depotid not like '25371%'and (depotid  like '21%'or depotid  like '51%'or depotid  like '61%'or depotid  like '23%'or depotid  like '2T%'or depotid  like '5T%'or depotid  like '6T%') and a.code = '2006'
  • 正常:Memory is over threshold!




