select 产品类型, sum(销量) 销量
from day_change1
where 产品类型 is not null and 产品类型 not in ('支装水','桶装水')
${if(area =='中国' ,"","and ((客户省份 = '" + area + "') or (客户市 = '" + area + "' ) )")}
and 日期 between '${time1}' and '${time2}'
and (客户省份 in (${prov}) or 客户市 in (${city }))
group by 产品类型
如果prov 和city 没设置开始、结束字符
select 产品类型, sum(销量) 销量
from day_change1
where 产品类型 is not null and 产品类型 not in ('支装水','桶装水')
${if(area =='中国' ,"","and ((客户省份 = '" + area + "') or (客户市 = '" + area + "' ) )")}
and 日期 between '${time1}' and '${time2}'
and (客户省份 in ('${prov}') or 客户市 in ('${city }'))
group by 产品类型