

FineReport 用户y7163732 发布于 2020-12-1 17:11
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发布于2020-12-1 17:14




  • 用户y7163732 用户y7163732(提问者) sqlserver 数据库
    2020-12-01 17:19 
  • axing axing 回复 用户y7163732(提问者) sql呢?
    2020-12-01 17:28 
  • 用户y7163732 用户y7163732(提问者) 回复 axing if not object_id(\'Tempdb..#rk\') is null drop table #rk select gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,xl,st_name,color_name,e.colorid,sum(b.nums) 入库数,c.s_name into #rk from dbo.红人总表2020 a --left join d_Indepotsub b on a.styleid=b.styleid and a.color_id=b.colorid left join b_style c on a.styleid = c.styleid left join u_indepotstyle d on c.id = d.style_id left join u_Indepotsub b on d.id = b.style_code --left join u_indepot f on f.id = b.code left join b_clothing e on b.clothing_id = e.id and a.color_id = e.colorid where colorid is not null and b.nums is not null and a.st_bd <> \'追单\' group by gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,xl,st_name,color_name,e.colorid,c.s_name if not object_id(\'Tempdb..#ss\') is null drop table #ss select gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,xl,st_name,color_name,a.color_id,min(f.sure_date) 上市日期 into #ss from dbo.红人总表2020 a --left join d_Sellsub b on a.styleid=b.styleid and a.color_id=b.colorid --left join d_sell c on b.sellid=c.sellid left join b_style c on a.styleid = c.styleid left join u_sellstyle d on c.id = d.style_id left join u_sellsub b on d.id = b.style_code left join b_clothing e on b.clothing_id = e.id and a.color_id = e.colorid left join u_sell f on b.code=f.id where f.sure=\'1\' and f.states = \'2\' --and a.st_bd <> \'追单\' group by gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,xl,st_name,color_name,a.color_id if not object_id(\'Tempdb..#zy\') is null drop table #zy select gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,xl,st_name,color_name,e.colorid,sum(b.nums) 自营 into #zy from dbo.红人总表2020 a left join b_style c on a.styleid = c.styleid left join u_retailstyle d on c.id = d.style_id left join u_retailsub b on d.id = b.style_code left join b_clothing e on b.clothing_id = e.id and a.color_id = e.colorid left join u_retail f on b.code=f.id left join b_depot g on f.depot_id = g.id where f.sure=\'1\' and f.states = \'2\' --and c.setdate>=\'2015-01-01\' --and c.setdate-1<\'2019-05-22\' and substring(g.depotid,2,1) in (\'1\',\'3\') and c.st_type<>\'买单\' and c.st_type<>\'饰品\' and a.st_bd <> \'追单\' group by gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,xl,st_name,color_name,e.colorid if not object_id(\'Tempdb..#kh\') is null drop table #kh select gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,xl,st_name,color_name,e.colorid,sum(b.nums) 客户 into #kh from dbo.红人总表2020 a left join b_style c on a.styleid = c.styleid left join u_retailstyle d on c.id = d.style_id left join u_retailsub b on d.id = b.style_code left join b_clothing e on b.clothing_id = e.id and a.color_id = e.colorid left join u_retail f on b.code=f.id left join b_depot g on f.depot_id = g.id where f.sure=\'1\' and f.states = \'2\' --and c.setdate>=\'2015-01-01\' --and c.setdate-1<\'2019-05-22\' and substring(g.depotid,2,1) =\'2\' and c.st_type<>\'买单\' and c.st_type<>\'饰品\' and a.st_bd <> \'追单\' group by gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,xl,st_name,color_name,e.colorid if not object_id(\'Tempdb..#sd\') is null drop table #sd select gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,xl,st_name,color_name,e.colorid,sum(b.nums) 山东 into #sd from dbo.红人总表2020 a left join b_style c on a.styleid = c.styleid left join u_retailstyle d on c.id = d.style_id left join u_retailsub b on d.id = b.style_code left join b_clothing e on b.clothing_id = e.id and a.color_id = e.colorid left join u_retail f on b.code=f.id left join b_depot g on f.depot_id = g.id where f.sure=\'1\' and f.states = \'2\' --and c.setdate>=\'2015-01-01\' --and c.setdate-1<\'2019-05-22\' and g.depotid like \'25371%\' and c.st_type<>\'买单\' and c.st_type<>\'饰品\' and a.st_bd <> \'追单\' group by gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,xl,st_name,color_name,e.colorid select distinct a.gys,a.styleid,a.st_bd,a.xl,a.s_name,co.colorname,co.colorid,a.入库数,f.上市日期, b.自营,c.客户,d.山东 from #rk a left join #zy b on a.styleid=b.styleid and a.colorid=b.colorid left join #kh c on a.styleid=c.styleid and a.colorid=c.colorid left join #sd d on a.styleid=d.styleid and a.colorid=d.colorid --left join [f117picture].[dbo].[j_stylecol] e on a.styleid=e.styleid and a.color_id=e.colorid left join #ss f on a.styleid=f.styleid and a.colorid=f.color_id left join b_style g on a.styleid=g.styleid left join b_color co on a.colorid=co.colorid WHERE --g.st_year=\'${year}\' g.st_year=\'2020\' --and g.st_month in (\'${month}\') and g.st_month in (\'冬季\')
    2020-12-01 17:32 
  • axing axing 回复 用户y7163732(提问者) 帆软数据集查询只支持select语句,不支持drop语句,建议你写成存储过程
    2020-12-01 17:43 
  • 2关注人数
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  • 最后回答于:2020-12-1 17:14
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