HTC Sensation(XE) 官方 Android 4.0 预览版

之前我们报道过 HTC 在欧洲对少数 HTC Sensation(XE) 用户发布了 Android 4.0 的预览版本,而今天该更新版已经对所有用户开放了。
下面是来自 HTC 发送给用户的邮件内容:
Who here wants an ICE CREAM SANDWICH? We do! Hopefully you do, too. We're happy to announce the first round of software previews in HTC elevate and you are in the first group of folks who will be able to participate!
To get this rolling, we'll need you to tell us some information about your device. Once we have this info, assuming it's all 100% accurate, we'll be able to push ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) straight to you via HTC's software distribution server- like magic!
To get started, head into the ACTIVITY now.

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